Waiting for yet more blood tests

posted in: Cancer, Cancer and faith 0

Husband is conscious of being breathless quite often but thinks it may be a chest muscle strain and that forgetting how to breathe properly may be partly responsible. He still has some discomfort after the splenectomy. He looks a bit drained but he’s not sleeping well so that might explain it.

I mentioned Andy Burrows’ lymphoma blog to him. Burrows jokes that denial is good in between relapses and he’s conscious that he needs to protect his wife, who is understandably very anxious about him.

Husband clearly has NO IDEA how eaten up I’ve been by anxiety :-). His cancer is the first and last thing I think of each day and has woken me many times at night. He’s clearly not thinking about it constantly in the same way at all – somehow that takes a great weight off me.

A friend commented that Husband looks rather yellow even under his tan. That got us thinking. Thinking may not be a good thing.

They say ‘You can’t control the wind but you can adjust the sails’. Or if it’s really bad you can take the sails down and lash yourself to the mast because the storm is too powerful to attempt to fight and all you can hope to do is survive and minimise the damage while waiting until it passes over 🙂 .

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