My turn

posted in: Cancer 0

We’ve had another curve ball thrown at us. While visiting Husband in hospital after his splenectomy I noticed a little rectal bleeding. It wasn’t anything dramatic but my heart sank a bit – I knew I couldn’t ignore it. I determined to see my GP as soon as Husband escaped hospital.

Then we came home, got a bug etc but I betook myself to the doc while recovering from the bug (no mean feat 🙂 ). I had the first of many discussions with doctors about my ‘bowel habits’. Those of you who don’t want to think about such things please ignore the next paragraph 🙂 .

It’s hard for a patient to know what constitutes a ‘change in bowel habit’. I’d put my increasingly frequent trips to the loo over the last 3 months or so (sometimes 5 or 6 times a day with loose even watery motions) down to stress. To be honest it sneaked up on me and since some days were better than others I assumed I’d get back to normal soon enough.

Then more questions. Yes I eat well, no I don’t smoke, I don’t drink to excess and I don’t take too many pain killers. I used to take them regularly for stress headaches in a previous professional life but never more than the recommended dose and never for more than 4 or 5 days at a time.

We’ve had another curve ball thrown at us. While visiting Husband in hospital after his splenectomy I noticed a little rectal bleeding. It wasn’t anything dramatic but my heart sank a bit – I knew I couldn’t ignore it. I determined to see my GP as soon as Husband escaped hospital.

Then we came home, got a bug etc but I betook myself to the doc while recovering from the bug (no mean feat 🙂 ). I had the first of many discussions with doctors about my ‘bowel habits’. Those of you who don’t want to think about such things please ignore the next paragraph 🙂 .

It’s hard for a patient to know what constitutes a ‘change in bowel habit’. I’d put my increasingly frequent trips to the loo over the last 3 months or so (sometimes 5 or 6 times a day with loose even watery motions) down to stress. To be honest it sneaked up on me and since some days were better than others I assumed I’d get back to normal soon enough.

Then more questions. Yes I eat well, no I don’t smoke, I don’t drink to excess and I don’t take too many pain killers. I used to take them regularly for stress headaches in a previous professional life but never more than the recommended dose and never for more than 4 or 5 days at a time.


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